Arab Fiction Now & The Challenges of Writing in & About the Region
Date & Time
Tuesday, May 17, 2022, 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Rasha Abbas - Syria-Germany, The Gist of It, 2019
Zaina Arafat - US-Palestine, You Exist Too Much
Ahmed Naji - Egypt, Using Life, 2017
Matthew Davis - The Cheuse Center, George Mason University
Zaina Arafat - US-Palestine, You Exist Too Much
Ahmed Naji - Egypt, Using Life, 2017
Matthew Davis - The Cheuse Center, George Mason University

This panel of leading regional and diaspora authors will discuss the inspiration for their most recent novels and the social, cultural and political context informing their work. The panel will also explore the challenges that Arab writers in the region and its diaspora face as they reflect on societies dealing with globalization, trauma, gender, sexuality and identity.
Virtual Session Link