Full Name
Zeina Hashem Beck
Lebanon, Author, "O", ( forthcoming in July 2022)
Speaker Bio
Zeina Hashem Beck is a Lebanese poet. Her third full-length poetry collection, O, is forthcoming from Penguin Books on July 5, 2022. Her collection Louder than Hearts won the 2016 May Sarton New Hampshire Poetry Prize. She’s also the author of 3arabi Song, winner of the 2016 Rattle Chapbook prize, There Was and How Much There Was, a 2016 Laureate’s Choice selected by Carol Ann Duffy, and To Live in Autumn, winner of the 2013 Backwaters Prize. Her work has appeared in The Atlantic, The New York Times, Poetry, Ploughshares, World Literature Today, the Academy of American Poets, and elsewhere. Zeina’s invented The Duet, a bilingual poetic form where English and Arabic exist separately and in relationship to each other. She’s the co-host, with poet Farah Chamma, of the Arabic poetry podcast Maqsouda. www.zeinahashembeck.com
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